Sunday, June 20, 2010

Intro to IHOP

Hey Guys!  Here's where you can find out about my journey to IHOP and read my blog posts along the way.   I would love to hear your comments and updates!   I will be covering you all in prayer, so please send me any prayer requests you might have for yourselves or loved ones.

Many of you have asked about my upcoming move.  Well first, let me tell you more about IHOP.  Ok, not the house of breakfast :) but the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri.  Very shortly, I will be moving there to begin an itinerary as a prayer missionary for a period of 3-6 months. I feel God is going to do some amazing things there, and work through me in ways like never before.

IHOP-KC is a missions organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power and purpose as the church wins the lost, heals the sick, feeds the poor, makes disciples, and impacts every sphere of society (family, education, government, economy, arts, media, and religion).  Their 24/7 prayer ministry started in 1999 by a group of 20 intercessors. It is now a 24/7 house of prayer with over 1,500 full-time intercessory missionaries.  They raise their own support to work full-time reaching out to others from a lifestyle of prayer and worship. They invest 50 hours of their week going from the prayer room to the classroom, then to ministry outreaches and works of service.

We are all familiar with missionaries who focus on preaching or mercy deeds (providing food, medical care etc.), but the Lord also is calling forth a new type of missionary that is essential to completing the Great Commission.

An intercessory missionary’s primary focus is changing the spiritual atmosphere over cities through “intercessory worship” (Ps. 149). This ministry provides one of the Scriptural requirements for God to release the fullness of revival. Scripture declares that God will orchestrate a mighty “intercessory worship” movement covering the earth in the generation the Lord returns.

An example of this type of missionary is found in Luke 2:36-38.  Intercession and worship is the means that God has chosen to establish His kingdom on the earth.  Prayer changes the spiritual atmosphere over cities and nations (Matthew 6:10Psalm 149), and brings us into agreement with God’s heart. 

IHOP INTERCESSORS ARE MISSIONARIES IN 5 WAYS First, “intercessory missionaries” collectively pray night and day for the release of the Great Harvest (Matt. 9:37-38). IHOP is burdened with urgency to win the un-reached peoples of the earth to Jesus. Second, they provide vital prayer covering to missionaries currently on the field. Third, they train future “intercessory missionaries” to be sent out to other cities.
Fourth, they go on short-term mission trips (2 weeks to 2 months) to help establish Houses of Prayer in other nations. Fifth, they personally relocate to strategic places in the earth as long-term “intercessory missionaries.”
The majority of “intercessory missionaries” who will come to serve in IHOP-KC will remain short-term (less than two years). Here they will be saturated in the IHOP model as they team up with others to “plant” Houses of Prayer around the world.

The vision for IHOP is similar to other missions endeavors.  Loren Cunningham is a man who over 35 years ago had a vision of training young people to raise their own financial support as missionaries to go to the unreached peoples of the earth. He started a missionary organization called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Over 12,000 missionaries have raised their financial support and are currently serving Jesus in over 150 nations with YWAM. Bill Bright started Campus Crusade for Christ over 40 years ago. He had the same idea of calling young people to live simple lifestyles as they raised their support as missionaries. Today, over 18,000 people are doing this in Campus Crusade.

When I was a teenager, I answered the call on my life to be in full-time ministry.  At that time I did not know what it would look like, but through the years I've been blessed with many opportunities to minister in different areas...from worship to media...young adult leadership to missions work in has been an incredible journey thus far.  God has a special purpose for me, and my desire is that every deed I do, every word I speak and sing would be used by the Spirit of the Lord to speak His Truth; impacting and changing things around me.  IHOP’s focus on intercessory prayer and worship would greatly add to this desire in my own heart.

I’m excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead. Going to IHOP is COMPLETELY a step of faith for me (those of you who know me to be a planner understand this!)...I'm totally trusting God for provision and for doors to be opened.  As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support.  If you would like to partner with me by monthly pledge or one time giving, I would greatly appreciate it.  Most importantly, I need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that drives this endeavor!

Donations can be made instantly through Pay Pal (hit the button at top of screen).  If you would like to make a monthly contribution, please email me.

To make a tax-deductible donation, please send directly to IHOP-KC.  Make out checks or money orders to “IHOP-KC Support” and include my name on a separate piece of paper as the recipient of the funds.  Do not include my name anywhere on the check otherwise they will not be able to process it for tax purposes.
Send to: IHOP-KC Support, 3535 E. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64137

Thank you for your love and support!


Sunday, May 30, 2010

He Is Waiting

There is nothing holding us back
Just give up, and give in
Hand over what you’ve got in your hands
Surrender and find your destiny
Walk into it
He is waiting for you
If you find it too hard to trust
He has already vanquished your foes
There is nothing too great for Him
He has already won
So you don’t have to feel lost
So you may step in
And find what you have been seeking
He is your strength and provider
Your defender
Your salvation

The only thing
Worth everything
Worth waiting for
Your great reward
He is Waiting

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

QUOTE of the Day!

“Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do.”

– Steve Martin, Born Standing Up

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Thing

WOW what can I say about One Thing '09?  It was amazing.  It was a conference held in Kansas City, MO Dec 28-31 by the International House of Prayer Missions Base.  The football-stadium sized conference center literally jumped - the concrete moved as 20,000 worshipped and danced.  It wasn't just the services, the worship, or the environment.  What was so amazing was the Spirit of God in that place.  I was so encouraged to see so many young adults worshipping the Lord with true freedom and abandon - and with that, a renewed sense of purpose and destiny.  Many had been healed during the four days we were there.  I missed it when we left.  Honestly, if I don't do anything else, I know I can be satisfied by the Presence of the Lord.  Why do I settle for things of this world?  We are so afraid - afraid of what 'true abandonment' to God looks like.  Let me ask you this, what would it look like to let someone recklessly love you?  And for you to abandon yourself to that love?  If you've ever had a glimpse of pure love - it's pretty powerful.  That is God's heart for us.  Our life, our desire for prayer and wholeness... everything stems out of intimacy with God.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should I post this?

Decisions, decisions.  I can be so indecisive!  It takes me forever to make up my mind.  I'm not sure why... I guess I just try to figure out what I like the best.  For instance, I went to a Tea house tonight with some friends, and we had a real Asian Tea service.  Very cool - we got to try all kinds of teas, along with Dim Sung (Chinese wraps and dumplings), and dessert.  We had these things called "mochi".  Kind of like a sweet, doughy ball.  We tried many different flavors and I liked them all.  I had a hard time picking my favorite.

When it comes to ordering at a restaurant, I take forever pouring over the menu.  I look at every type of food and try to figure out what I'm in the mood for.  I literally go through the "tastes" in my mind.  Like steak... do I want steak?  Chicken or pasta?  What if I order pasta and I'm really in the mood for steak?  I want to know all of my options before I pick, so I don't miss out on the best stuff. 

I eventually get to a decision, and usually the outcome is good.  I've learned that yes, I can be happy with most decisions I make.  However, the lengthy process before I get there makes me wonder.  It's like I don't want to just stick with one thing, I like to keep my options open.  I like variety, and I don't want my tastes or experiences to be defined as one thing.  Is that weird?  I want the ability to change often.

If I do make a decision, I want to make sure the outcome is good.  But this is nearly impossible!  I can't control the numerous outside forces that effect outcomes for better or worse.  So all I can do is just make the decision... jump... and hope for the best!

Does anyone else ever feel this way?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Adele - Make You Feel My Love [Live]